

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Sleep" - Napping Girl

Last weekend I fought another round of the epic battle for naptime.

My girls are at that age where they think they don't need to nap...except that they do. So, every weekend I struggle to get them to sleep, and every weekend they do their best to drive me to fits.

On this particular day I decided to take the "divide and conquer" approach. I left Number Two upstairs and brought Number One into my bed. After a few rounds of  "No, really. Stay in bed," she did eventually fall asleep.

This shot is pretty much straight out of the camera. All I did was crop it a little closer (my pajamas had crept into the edge of the frame). She is sleeping on top of my blanket, and I like the texture and color of the brown next to her pale face.

Of course, I wouldn't be me if I didn't play with the editing a little. I wanted to add some dreaminess to the scene.

I added a little glow to her face and increased the saturation a tad. It might be a bit too much, but I do think I achieved a dreamy quality here.

I also tried the photo in black and white.

I'm so drawn to B&W shots. I like the drama, I guess. It just amazes me that the same shot that was so sweet and dreamy in the last edit is now sort of dark and gritty.

This photography thing is so interesting. So much to learn, but I'm enjoying the process.


  1. I love the first one. You're totally right that the last one suddenly looks harsh when it's black and white.

  2. I meant to add that the original looks so peaceful and calm in comparison.

  3. Aw, she is so lovely in all of them, but I am with you on the big differences a little play gives you. :)
