

Monday, February 14, 2011

"Romance" - 722

It's Valentine's Day. Not surprisingly, the assignment for this week is "Romance". I do have some lovely photos of a rose that I'll share later on this week, but I wanted to start with a less conventional view of romance.

My husband is a big, strong, hard-working man. He's not fancy, and he suffers no fools.

However, when it comes to his family he's as soft as they come.

We were married "later in life" than most - I was 34 and he was 36 - so by the time we came together and had a family we were both more than ready.

I explain all of this because it might serve to make my interpretation of "romance" a little clearer.

That's my wedding date tattooed on my husband's finger. There are four dots around it - one for me and one for each of our kids. (I like to think that mine is the dot on the bottom, supporting all the rest.)

I asked him to pose for this photo and took him as-is. He's wearing a dirty work shirt, and there is a day's worth of work dirt gathered under his fingernails.

That's my man. Fancy? Not even a little, but there's no question that his family is his life.

Anyway, that's the shot straight out of the camera. The first thing I did was crop it a little closer.

The sharpness of his hand may tell you that I am finally using a tripod regularly. Live and learn, right?

I like the shot as-is, but decided to make it a little more dramatic.

I sharpened up the lines, played with the contrast, and adjusted the colors slightly. I am a little sorry that it took away the brown in his eyes, but I think the result is a pretty powerful photo.

After that I went back to the original and tried it in B&W.

I ran it through a filter (yellow, i think) and added a lot of grain, especially in and around his face. Not bad, I think.

But I think this one is better. I added more contrast and tried to sharpen the lines in his fingers while keeping his face blurred.

I'm happy with it. Who says romance has to be about perfumed hearts and bubbly beverages anyway?

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